About Us

PT PADI SEHAT INDONESIA is a national company engaged in agriculture and industry.Great potential in the agricultural industry, PT PADI SEHAT INDONESIA wants to contribute. PT PADI SEHAT INDONESIA participates in helping increase the productivity of agricultural products by combining technology and agriculture.
Company Profile PT PADI SEHAT INDONESIA is structured to introduce our company to fostered partners consisting of farmers, farmer groups and subaks to get to know our programs in the agricultural sector so that they can jointly contribute to increasing the community’s economic growth.
Indonesia as an agricultural country with the majority of the population working as farmers, with the existing agricultural land area Indonesia should be able to become a food self-sufficient country. To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the productivity of agricultural products.

Assisting Government Programs to Realize Self-sufficiency in Food Commodities.

Improving the Welfare of Assisted Farmers by Increasing Agricultural Yields Providing Sustainable Farmer Cultivation Innovations.