
Seed Production

Seed is one of the important factors that determine crop production. Seed production is the earliest activity carried out. PT Padi Sehat Indonesia is here to provide standard quality and the right amount. The company has taken the necessary steps to produce quality seeds starting from the selection of planting locations, nurseries, planting processes, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, plant selection, as well as seed processing. In this way the company has seeds with good quality.

Agricultural production requires good and profitable marketing for business continuity. the production of agricultural products, both rice and sugar, also needs to be maintained in quality and quantity so that they can be absorbed by the market. With the network that the company has, it is not difficult to market existing products. The company has prepared a retail market spread across many cities in Indonesia and abroad. With the development of technology, the company also markets agricultural products through online applications.
Rice  & Sugar Cane Cultivation

Fertilizer is very important for plants to accelerate growth and increase production. Producing fertilizer independently is one of the company’s priority goals to reduce production costs. The combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers continues to be developed to produce healthy products for consumption. By involving experienced personnel, the company has produced self-sufficient quality fertilizer for internal circles.

Fertilizer Industry
Currently, rice and sugar are the staple commodities of society in Indonesia. Rice and sugar cane are crops that are widely cultivated. This commodity is the concern of both the central and regional governments. The presence of PT Padi Sehat Indonesia through the cultivation of rice and sugarcane as a form of company participation and support for the government’s national food security program. With the methods and technology owned by the company, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the production of rice and sugarcane. Through partnerships, it is expected to improve people’s welfare.